Tuesday, March 8, 2011

esok sudah mula kerja... :)

at 9:10 PM 1 comments
so.....sebagai langkah bersedia...walaupon ini kali ke3 merasai 1st day at work...kena baca juga tips2 di internet

1. Arrive on-time (not earlier)
And explain to your new colleagues: "People who come in early does not understand what sharp and punctual mean" What a great first impression it will leave.

2. Bring some documents from home
And slip in some magazines to read. First half of the day will be boring because they just don't know what task to assign you. They'll torture you with employees handbook and other propaganda material.

3. Don't tell people you're excited with the new job
It will cheapen your value. They should feel excited having you.

4. Don't remember names
It's just not cool. See above.

5. Identify the key characters
There will always the loved (the diligent employees) and the despised (infringed lazy bastards) seniors. Stick with the latter to make yourself feel better.

6. Don't get optimistic
If you're seeing professionalism among your new peers, remember they can't act that well for more than a day.

7. Don't do follow-ups with the admins and IT personnel
Because the sooner you get the access card/workstation/stationaries/passwords, the earlier you have to start working.

8. Don't jump the gun trying to impress people
...with your talent and capabilities. Remember, the less capable they perceive you, the less work they'll assign you. You got the job already right?

9. Don't ask questions

The more you know, the less excuse you have to defend yourself once you make mistakes. Remember, it's not a question of 'if', it's 'once'.

10. Skim your boss' room
And identify his interests and achievements. That way you know which subject you can complement and praise him in your quest as an ultimate ass-kisser.

11. Show signs of poverty
Don't flaunt your wealth, convince them you're a poor guy to avoid treating your colleagues to lunch once you claim your first month's paycheck.

12. Identify other fellow newbies
And own them. It'll be handy when you go to the induction class/course - for covering your absenteeism.

13. Don't leave your desk too often
Or your seniors might steal your shiny new office equipment/furniture/supplies out of envy.

14. Check internet connectivity
Because you may not read this blog if your new company restricts internet connection. If that happens, remember iBypass. Or read this blog through your email here.

15. Leave on time. (Not later)
Trust me, it's the only day you can go back on time.

tetiber rasa macam mo bwk dslr jek esok... kalau bosan2 bley amek gmbr... tapi... itu satu tindakan yang sangat2 tidak wajar....mcm kecik plak dslr tu klu nk sorok2 amek gmbr.. klu ak citer niat ak kat julia...mesti dier xmo ngaku kawan...hahhahaha

Monday, March 7, 2011

mac dh dtg dgn cabaran.... :)

at 5:03 AM 2 comments
aku g interview... dpt offer rm1600 kt KL...terus2 ak tolak offer.... sebabnyer rm1600 x cukup tuk dok kt KL.... kos hidup tinggi + niat ati mmg xnk kejer KL...xtahan dgn kesibukanyer+ jwtn tue as IT progrmmer..kejer yg pling gerun bg aku kot....

pastu g interview lg... berjaya..ak mintak rm1600...dier xkasik...sbb ak xda pengalaman dlm bidang tue..projek Koordinator.. pagi td dier call dan ak berjayer interview tue....tp gaji rm1300 jek kt JB...tmpt yg ak familiar....
biler ak kire2 ak cumer ad baki rm 300 tuk poya2+saving + kasik kt mak..... uh..mampuke ak??
pastu, kejer dier.... (arghhh yg ini boleh belajar..)... mulai berjimat r kamu daia....

tetiber terbygkn fmly yg ader 3-4 org anak..dok menyewa uma gaji rm 1500 lebih....dok kt bndar besar.... klu duduk kt kampung masih boleh hidup....nak kater takde gaji cmtu kt bndar besar, suatu bnda yg mustahil......

daia oh daia..kamu tngung diri sendiri jek pon...mesti boleh!! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

moga-moga si march membawa berita gembira

at 12:30 AM 0 comments
esok, 5 march... ak mo p interview lagi.. interview kali ke 4 tuk thun nie.... :)

jobs ini yang membuat ak minat..sebab ia bukan programmer.. ia program koordinator.. dengar2 mcm org yg handle program kn?? tp, ntah r ak pon xsure... tp dier mo org yg mahir dlm ict... xpa r...saje jek try.... lagi2 ak minat sbb ak sudah familiar ngn tmpt tue.... senang sket mo berurusan...

kelemahan ak nie r....:: aku xberani nk serasikn diri di tempat yg baru.. apetah lagi di bandar2 besar... dulu, ak pikir faktor kenderaan..tapi, biler sudah ader kereta..masih rase tidak berani.....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

angan2 merangkap target.. :)

at 8:14 AM 0 comments
aku mo objek seperti di bawah ini, apabila berjaya meninggalkan 'mrP' dengan jayanyer... hahhhahaha..berangan jek lebih kamu nie...arghhhhh....bior r.. angan2 ku ini punya maksud tersirat & tersurat tau!!!

tersurat :: mau suziki Alto
tersirat :: ak akan beli sekiranya punye kejer tetap dengan ekonomi yang super stabil...super stabil ok!! dan apabila ak sudah expert drive dengan hanya sekali pandang google maps...kikikiki..

maka:: kamu, daia/kechik/nurul/aper jua pnggilan pon...P kamu akan tamat pada ***** (kurang 2 tahun dri skrng) oleh itu..anda perlu penuhi isi tersirat tersebut untuk dpt yg tersurat...

gudluck :)


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